Where’s the Chatbot?

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If you joined me for my session at DevLearn 19, you saw a chatbot on this page. Two days later, I broke the chatbot by upgrading my WordPress security. That’s part of the challenge of technology. Some things aren’t compatible with other things.

I’m pretty sure I could fix the chatbot, but I have plans to shift my focus away from Snatchbot, which I demonstrated at DevLearn, to either Amazon Lex or to DialogFlow. So, I made the decision not to invest the time to bring it back.

Why the Shift?

While I found Snatchbot a very capable platform and especially useful for learning how to design and develop a chatbot, my vision for the chatbot on this site has changed. I want this bot to evolve into one that is capable of detecting potential issues in small writing samples. For that to be possible, I will need to use more robust AI models than those that are immediately available in Snatchbot.

And here’s the thing: I’m not a data scientist or even a real coder. I’m just someone who is a little familiar with basic technology concepts that wants to learn how to apply AI. Along with documenting my writing journey here, I’ll also post insights on my AI journey. If you want to listen in, please subscribe.

If, like me, you’re an aspiring author, you’ll also see relevant posts on topics related to developing writing skills.

Either way, thanks for sharing the journey with me!

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