P.Atulous Rising

Story Status: Concept. Not core to series; may not happen, or may be a novella. Not yet seeking readers.

Story Order: Neftando’s Education | P.Atulous RisingSilke’s Story | Convergence | Distraction | Enter the Game | Rise of the Space Pirates | The Collapsing Order | The Final Conflict

Before the game was imposed upon the Cosmos, there was no protection for weaker planets. No such thing as minding your own business and being left alone.

The most important thing wasn’t your diplomacy, or even your strength. It was, rather, your position among the gravitational flows and patterns. Your planet’s influence on the Slip, and the Slip’s inclination toward your planet.

Good things sometimes come to those who wait. For others, the impatience can be overwhelming.

From an early log line:

The story of the destruction of Atulous. 1200 years before present day.

Atulous is at the center of the universe—in the optimum spot for the flows of gravity to bring favor upon her. Atulous’ leaders take this responsibility seriously and have used their rich resources to create planet seeds, devices designed to restore the destroyed planets of other races, and they have sent seven of these out in a grand ceremony.

But the Cherophan empire covets Atulous’ position and has set their planet killer on a collision course with Atulous. To save her own people, the leaders of Atulous must recall the planet seeds, causing a chain reaction throughout the Cosmos that will result in the War to End all Wars, the Intergalactic Peace Accord.

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