Unchipped: The Last American

Story Status: eBook and Paperback Completed.

The story of Acorn Riddle’s (main character in The Last American) 16 year-old granddaughter living unchipped in Chipped Merica after the rise of AI and the societal changes that ensue. Prolly faces many of the usual teenage coming-of-age challenges, but also must wrestle with the harsh realities of life in a world where, without digital credentials, you can no longer work, purchase, or access what mainstream society has to offer.

Available in Kindle Unlimited or Print on Amazon, and in audio at these and other retailers:

Unchipped Cover Image
Open Cover Image

Here’s the formal description:

In a world increasingly immersed in AI and technological augmentation, we might do well to consider how the not-too-distant future may unfold. From the book’s back cover:

They took the world over right before our eyes, using tools that promised to make things better for all of us. We watched it happen. We helped them.” — from my Grandfather’s first book, The Last American.

Forty three minutes ago, as I was scavenging in what I thought was an abandoned West Ginny mine, a destroyer drone sealed the entrance for no apparent reason. Leaving me to contemplate the end of it all.

Not far from where I sit, there is a caricature of bones on the ground. Someone’s sick joke, or a homage to the end of life itself. Or perhaps a warning. And then, deeper in the cavern, I hear muffled moans. A faint squeal. A small girl–no, a thirteen year-old woman–emerges. She seems rude at first, but we are fast becoming friends. She is lovely. And special. And soon I learn why she is here, hiding from the privilege she was born into.

Am I now to fulfill the prophecy my parents laid upon my head? Do I dare fall into that made-up story in service of a girl I just met? A girl I love right from the start?

The journey to Sanctuary cuts across the wilds of West Ginny and through more than a few places where chippers will be watching for whatever reward their masters have levied upon this girl’s head. And then through the unnamed revolution that my brother and parents fight. I have longed for adventure, but hoped to nibble at its edges before sinking my teeth full in. But I have taken her under my charge and made her my sister. I have made a promise.

And promises must needs be kept.

Find Unchipped: The Last American in Kindle Unlimited or Print on Amazon and in Audio wherever audiobooks are sold.

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